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Rules and Regulations
November 2023


Owners, tenants or guests may not direct or engage employees of the Condominium on private business, nor direct, supervise or attempt to assert control over or tell any Association or Management Company employee or subcontractor how to do his/her job.


No signs, advertising or notices of any kind, including, but not limited to, “for rent” or “for sale” signs are permitted on the window or door so it is visible from the exterior of any Unit. This does not prohibit a temporary “Open House” sign to be posted outside a Unit while the open house is taking place.


No clothing, towels or laundry may be hung from windows, fences or railings or spread on grass in the Common Areas.  A single, retractable clothesline may be installed in the patio area with permission from the Board of Directors through the Management Company.  The line must be retracted when not in use. Clothes racks may only be used in the back of the Units, on the patio or adjacent area and must not interfere with grounds maintenance work or the equipment used to accomplish same. Racks may not be left out if they are not being used to air-dry laundry. No racks shall be mounted onto the buildings.

Maintenance of Units

Each Unit owner shall maintain their Unit in good condition and repair, and in a clean and sanitary manner. All trash and garbage must be stored in the dumpsters provided for this purpose by the Association. No trash shall be left outside either the front or back of any Unit.

Yard Sales

No garage or yard sales are permitted without permission from the Directors and/or Manager.

Patio Extensions

Each Unit with a patio is allowed to use the 10 x 10 foot space directly adjoining the rear of the patio for a garden or to extend the patio. Prior to any changes a site plan must be submitted to management and reviewed by the Board for approval. Maintenance and repair of this area is the responsibility of the owner/any future owner of the Unit. At any time, if the area is not properly maintained, the Board of Directors has the authority to require that the area be converted back to its original state. The cost for doing so will be the responsibility of the then current owner.

Right of Access

An owner shall grant right of access to their Unit to the Board of Directors/Manager and to other persons authorized by the Board for the purpose of making inspections or correct any conditions originating in the Unit and threatening another Unit or Common Area, and for the purpose of performing installations, alterations or repairs to mechanical or electrical services in the Unit that affect the Common Area or elsewhere in the building, provided that requests for entry are made in advance and for a time reasonably convenient to the owner. Before any items of construction can be altered or demolished (except in case of emergency) judicial proceedings must be instituted. In case of emergency, such as fire or flooding, right of entry shall be immediate whether the owner is present or not.


Non-resident owners who lease their Units are required to provide the Manager with the following information within 10 days of a change in occupancy: Name(s) of the adult(s) living in the Unit, number and ages of children living there, information about pets, and description of vehicles including the plate number. Failure to provide the information may result in a $100 fine.

All leases must be for a minimum of six (6) months.

Owners must provide tenants with a copy of current rules and regulations and the tenant must sign an agreement to abide by the rules and regulations. Tenants will be notified of rules violations and must comply within a week or the Unit owner will be subject to the fine process. 


Without consent from the Board of Directors, no unit shall be occupied by more than five persons.

Replacement screen doors and windows

Storm/screen doors are permitted in a style approved by the Directors. Any owner who is replacing any windows or exterior doors must notify the office in advance of their intent. Replacement windows and/or doors must conform to the style and color of the existing items to ensure uniformity throughout Farmstead Commons. Painting of the trim boards around any replaced windows/doors is the responsibility of the homeowner. Please contact the office for information on the proper color of paint to use.


Each Unit may have one outside decoration on the front door or adjacent to the front door and one flag.  Holiday decorations, including lights, are permitted outside Units for two weeks before and one week after a holiday. Christmas decorations are allowed for one month before and one month after December 25.


Each Unit may have a retractable awning professionally installed above their patio door with consent from the Board of Directors. Awnings must be in a beige or light green stripe or solid that coordinates with the paint colors on the buildings.

Wiring, Dishes, etc.

No wiring for electrical or telephone use, television antenna, television dish, or other equipment which protrudes through the walls or the roof of any building or is otherwise visible on the outside of a building is allowed without permission from the Board of Directors. When approved, installation must be done by a professional in the field.

Please note: anyone receiving permission to install a television dish on their Unit will be subject to a $300.00 security deposit which will only be refunded at such time as the dish is removed and the building is restored to its original condition by professional contractors approved by the Board. Owners installing a dish prior to January 1, 2019 are grandfathered; however, it is hoped that the dish will be removed and the building restored when it is no longer in use or the Unit is sold.

Air Conditioners

Four types of air conditioners are approved for use at Farmstead: in-wall, portable, Mitsubishi and central a/c. 

A portable a/c unit using the metal strip that comes with the unit or clear plexiglass for venting of the unit is the only type that can be used in the front of the buildings. The cutout for the vent must be placed near the bottom of the plexiglass. These same units can be used in the back of your condominium.

Owners wanting to install central air, a Mitsubishi or similar type unit, or a new wall unit will need to submit a request in writing to Management and obtain advance approval from the Board.


Two household pets of any common household variety which may ever use the Common Areas, such as dogs, are permitted in each Unit. Other types of household pets such as cats, birds or fish which do not use the outside Common Area are allowed without restrictions except for those excluded below. Cats are not allowed to roam free. All pets must be registered with the Association, and dogs must be leashed when outside. Owners and tenants are responsible for removing all excrement produced by their pets in Common Areas. Dogs shall not roam free, and cannot be tied outside. Any pet on common land without owner identification may be removed to the Humane Society.

Any pet deemed to be a nuisance by the board, for example, excessive barking by a dog, could be removed if the situation is not remedied by the owner.

No livestock or farm-type animals are permitted. No snakes or venomous animals are permitted.


Each Unit has one assigned parking space and residents should park either in the marked space or in their carport, if they have one. There are specific spaces marked for visitors. Overflow parking is provided along the entrance road. No more than two (2) vehicles per Unit is allowed, except with permission from the Directors/Manager. No service, repairs or other maintenance can be performed on vehicles in the Common or Limited Common Areas. No oversized vehicles, unregistered, uninspected or inoperable vehicles, snowmobiles, boats, campers, trailers, motorcycles or all-terrain vehicles can be parked or allowed to remain on common land except in a carport. Campers may remain in the parking lot for a maximum of 72 hours. Electric cars are not allowed to charge in the carports or use Association common electricity.

Please note: Parking is allowed only in the designated parking spots. Resident or visitor vehicles parked in other areas, including the access road between Units 60 and 61, may be towed at the owner’s expense.

Speed Limit

For the safety of children, pedestrians and bicyclists there is a 10 MPH speed limit at Farmstead Commons. Please adhere to this speed limit and use caution when driving.


No nuisance or noisy, immoral, improper, offensive or unlawful use shall be made of the Condominium or any Unit or part thereof, and all valid laws, zoning ordinances and regulations of all governmental bodies having jurisdiction thereof shall be observed. No occupant of any Unit may make or permit to be made any disturbing noises, or play or suffer to be played any musical instrument, phonograph, radio or television set in his Unit or on or about the Condominium property if the same shall in any manner disturb or annoy other occupants of the Condominium. This includes noise made by pets, such as excessive barking of dogs. Quiet time (including the use of vacuum, appliances, laundry, etc.) will be before 7:00 am and after 10:00 pm. These hours coincide with the City of Keene guidelines.

Common Areas

In the use of the Units and the Common Area of the Condominium, owners shall obey and abide by all valid laws, ordinances and zoning and other governmental regulations affecting the same and all valid rules and regulations adopted by the Board and the Farmstead Commons Association. The Common Area shall be used only for the furnishing of the services and facilities for which they’re reasonably suited and which are incidental to the use and occupancy of the Unit.

Bicycles, furniture, toys, lawn ornaments, packages or objects of any kind cannot be stored on the walkways, lawns, driveways, parking areas, against the buildings or other Common Areas. Bird feeders are permitted in the area directly at the edge of the patio of a Unit or the edge of the wooded Common Lawn Area. The location of bird feeders cannot hinder the mowing of the lawn. Items such as toys, lawn chairs, etc. used on the Common Area for short period of time must be removed after each use.

Nothing shall be done in any Unit or in, on or to the Common Area which may impair the structural integrity of the Property, or which would structurally change a building or improvements thereon except as provided in the Declaration or the Bylaws. Nothing shall be altered or constructed in or removed from the Common Area, except upon the written consent of the Board of Directors.

No activity shall be done or maintained in any Unit or upon any Common Area which will increase the rate of insurance on any Unit or the Common Area or result in the cancellation of insurance thereon, unless such activity is first approved in writing by the Board of Directors. No trash can be left in the Common Area. Anyone using the Common Areas must do so in a manner which respects the rights of other Unit owners and their guests and must leave it in the same or better condition than before such use.

Limited Common Area

Limited Common Areas, including patios, decks, carports and front steps must be kept neat and not create an eyesore for neighbors. Patios and decks should be kept clear of snow to provide a second means of egress in case of an emergency. Carports should be kept neat and nothing should be kept in them except vehicles, bicycles, large ride on toys, and small carts for moving groceries and other items into or out of the Units. Furniture, tires and such should not be stored in carports. Canoes, kayaks or car carriers may be stored off the paved floor in each carport if the owner provides the Association with a certificate of insurance showing liability coverage on items in the carport.

No fires of any kind are allowed, other than in a commercially-sold gas or charcoal grill. No chimineas, fire pits, wood or coal burning stoves, campfires or other open fires are allowed on patios, front steps or on Common Areas. No gas or charcoal grills are allowed on the second story wooden decks of Units 49-60.  

Snow Removal

In order to facilitate snow removal in the parking lots, vehicles must be removed from parking spaces and the parking areas when snowplowing is being done. Each resident is responsible for moving their vehicle(s) when the plows are working. Vehicles that are not moved may be towed at the owner’s expense and without prior warning. Residents that will be away during an extended period when plowing might occur are encouraged to (a) leave their vehicle key with a neighbor or Director so the vehicle can be moved; (b) leave the vehicle in a parking space along the entrance road.


Each Unit owner is responsible for the first $10,000 in remediation/repair of any insurance claim damage. (The Association deductible amount.) If a claim occurs within a Unit, the Unit owner must notify management of the claim within 24 hours.


All complaints of violations should be made in writing to the Board of Directors through the management company. Residents will be notified of violations in writing and given one week to correct the situation unless advised differently by the Directors/Manager. If the violation is not corrected within a week, a fine of $5.00 per day may be imposed, in addition to all other legal remedies.  Residents who repeatedly break the same rule will be subject to ever-increasing fines for the same violation.  Subsequent violations will be fined $5.00 for the first offense, $10.00 for the second and so forth in $5.00 increments.  Said fine may be assessed repeatedly upon failure of owner or tenant to correct said infraction or obey rules, and shall be collected in the same manner as common expenses. If legal remediation is required the owner will be responsible for all legal fees.