Don’t forget Farmstead has a website –there is a LOT of information about the Farmstead community and happenings on the page -  log onto Farmstead – if you need the Owners only password, please call the office at 358-0040. 

Although it is August, the “neighborhood” bear is still being spotted at Farmstead. Please be sure your birdfeeders are removed and that no food or other enticing items are left on your front stoop or patio.  

As most of you are aware, a recent storm caused some tree damage throughout the property.  Several trees broke or fell onto common property and into the parking lot.  A large tree fell on Building 1 causing damage to two units.  This is being processed as an insurance claim and makes for an excellent reminder about Owner insurance responsibilities.  If an insurance claim occurs – all owners should have their own coverage for personal liability, personal belongings, any upgrades to the interior of the unit that the Association has not been notified of AND structure coverage in the amount of at least $10,000 (the amount of the deductible on the Farmstead insurance policy.)  When a claim occurs in your unit, you – as the owner – and your insurance carrier -would be responsible for the first $10,000 of any claim that occurs.  Check with your personal agent to be sure you are adequately insured.  

The tree damage to Building 1 has put a temporary hold on the painting of the building.  The work was about 80% complete – but is now stopped until all exterior siding, fascia and roofing repairs are made. 

The new roof was installed over Units 49-60 – Guyer & Sons Roofing did a great job –they were FAST and efficient!!   

Vermont Roadworks came and did some much needed asphalt repairs throughout the property - they filled all the potholes and made repairs – this work should hold until the final parking/driving area asphalt work is determined next year. 

L&G has locked in the rate for Propane for the 2020-2021 season. The price will remain at $1.39 for Farmstead customers. 

Please squish your trash to dispose of it and recycle correctly.  If you need a copy of the Recycling Guidelines, call us and we’ll be sure you get one ASAP. Have a large item you want removed? Call CBPM, we’ll arrange proper disposal and invoice you for the cost.  

The Farmstead Board of Directors has recently formed a Landscaping Committee to address the abandoned flower gardens around the property.  We have many beautiful flowers beds maintained by volunteers that contribute to the overall beauty of the Farmstead Commons grounds; however, the “orphaned” gardens need some attention.  We need to create a plan to either keep and maintain orphaned flower beds or have the beds turned back to grass. There are currently two Board volunteers on the committee; so, we are looking for some non-board homeowners to join us in an advisory role to help create the plan.  Volunteering will not take a lot of time.  Basically we need to:

  • Walk around the property together

  • Meet a couple times to brainstorm 

  • Create a plan to submit to the Board for approval  

If anyone is interested, please reach out to Board members Judy St. Gelais at (603) 499-8534 or Lynda Sillner (603) 209-3119 as soon as possible (leave a message if no answer). There is a short time frame within which to complete the plan. 

Thank You! 




Landscaping Committee