We have recently had TWO separate water damages occur in the utility closets at Farmstead.  Several years ago the Association provided each unit with 2 water detectors which emit a LOUD alarm when water touches them.  The intent was that one is placed by the washer/dryer and the second in the utility room.  Over the years, these alarms have prevented serious water damages inside units many times over.   Please check your unit and see if you have the alarm and test to be sure it works.  If there is no alarm, we suggest you purchase one.  Farmstead has a $10,000 insurance deductible on any claim that is made - which means the unit owner is responsible for the first $10,000 in damages.  Having the water alarm sound the moment water touches it could be the difference between costly repairs and just the need for minimal drying.   

Although it hasn’t snowed yet, winter is coming….    Please move your vehicles for the plows when they’re working on site so our parking lots stay clear and safe. During a storm they will continuously keep the driving areas open and sidewalks cleared. When the storm ends they will return for clean up – THIS is when you need to move your cars so all parking spaces can be cleared and treated completely.  Please remember that when you don’t move (1) you could be towed without any advanced notice – we don’t like to do that but have done it before and will do it again (2) even though you think it only affects your space when you don’t move, it affects the spaces on either side of your parking space as well.  When not able to be cleared or treated snow can freeze and become a lumpy uneven safety concern for all the neighboring spaces. (3)  If you move your car later and the plows have to make a special trip to clear your area, you can be invoiced for the cost of the additional clean up return trip. 

This would normally be the time of year that we promote Dennis from CB Property Management services for painting, handyman work and the like…..  However, that is not happening– Dennis has decided to retire at the end of the year!  (Congratulations to him - lucky guy!!!)  Although it is a somewhat expected turn of events, it is still a tough concept to accept and process. With this change, we at CB Property Management will be reevaluating our management company offerings.  (Originally maintenance wasn’t a service the company provided at all– we would only point owners in the direction of qualified vendors.) Over the next couple months, we do have some information to process, numbers to crunch and decisions to make.  Be assured regular Association needs will continue to be addressed no matter our decision.  If we hire a full time employee, part time employee or subcontract the needed work.  On that note, if anyone is aware of a person or company looking for general handyman work – please let me know.  I’d love to talk to them about options for maintenance work. 

Along with buckets in the carport, White’s Groundskeeping will again be placing 5 gallon buckets of salt on each front stoop (two units share a bucket) to be used for sidewalk treatment by residents if necessary between treating by White’s.    Throughout the season if your bucket needs to be filled, just contact our office and we will have it taken care of!    We had a couple comments last year the buckets were “ugly” home depot orange.  Although we understand the concern, the de-icing and safety on the front stoops/sidewalk area of each unit should take precedence over aesthetics during the winter months.   

When you move your vehicle for the plows you can park it in your carport (if it’s not already occupied.) You can also park temporarily in the “safe parking” area on the Entrance Road but return your vehicle to your usual parking space when White’s plows are done. 

The Annual meeting will be coming up in January.  This year is planned as an in person meeting to be held at the Monadnock Covenant Church on Base Hill Road. A very convenient location to Farmstead and lots of parking!! Notice of meeting, agenda, proxy etc will be sent prior to the meeting.  If any Farmstead owner is a member of the Church and is planning on attending, please contact my office.   

The Board of Directors and Management meet each month to discuss Farmstead happenings, planning, issues or requests. If you are interested in what is discussed, the minutes are posted on the website each month.   We meet via Zoom now so if you are interested in attending a meeting, you need to let my office know so you can be sent an invite.  We usually meet the 3rd week of each month, so letting us know in advance that you want to attend would be very helpful. 

This is a good time to say how much we enjoy working with the Directors of Farmstead and with all of you.  We appreciate your suggestions, ideas and kind words throughout the year!!!!   

May all of you have a happy and calm holiday season and remain safe and healthy now and into 2022!! 


