APRIL 2022

Bears are awake and Farmstead is a popular place for them to visit looking for food.   They have been known to come right up on to the patios!  We ask all residents continue to not hang any bird feeders and do not leave any food or trash items on the front step or rear patio/decks.  We will let you know when bird feeders can be put out again. 

Arbor Climb Tree service will be back on site the week of May 17 to plant replacement trees and shrubs. This work includes a replacement elm tree by the mailbox area and one elm in another area yet to be determined.  Two tree lilacs to be planted in front of Units 57 & 59, a red maple tree to be planted in front of Unit 36 with 3 holly bushes in the same area and a white birch tree to be planted in front of unit 24.   

Farmstead is looking for volunteers to maintain common garden areas throughout the grounds.  Unfortunately, a couple of our volunteer gardeners are unable to do plantings this year.  If you like to garden, have some free time and would like to help keep the gardens looking great, please let my office know.  603-358-0040 or cbpmdiane@aol.com  

In an effort to have all current unit occupancy information we will be sending out new Questionnaires to all in the upcoming weeks.  Even if you feel as though you just filled one out, please take a moment to complete this important document and return to my office.  Remember it is an Association rule that non-residents owners must let Management know occupancy of a Farmstead unit if it is rented. 

The Board of Directors and I have been working with an Attorney who specializes in NH Condominium law.  He has prepared a revised Declaration and By-Laws for the Farmstead Commons Association that are in line with current New Hampshire Laws and updated for technology (email as a way to communicate and zoom meetings) and modernized overall.  In order for these documents to be approved and filed with the Registry, a majority of owners must vote to approve the amended/updated documents.  The proposed documents will be sent to all owners to review.  We then will schedule an informational meeting held via Zoom where owners can ask any questions they may have (to the Attorney) prior to voting on accepting the revised documents.  This is an important task that needs to be done so please, be on the lookout for the documents and take a moment to read them over and take note of any questions you may have.  You will be able to ask your questions at the meeting or let us know beforehand and we will relay them to the Attorney and get back to you with the reply. 

The Directors will be doing their walk around the grounds and are working on a list of “to do” jobs. Remember these are done on a priority basis as time/funds allow. If you have something that needs attention, repair, etc., contact the CBPM office.  If it’s not on the “to do” list, we’ll check it out and add it if necessary.   

If you have a dog, remember it must be registered with the City by April 30, 2022.  Please have your dog on a leash when you’re walking it. Dogs are not be allowed to roam free at Farmstead and cannot be tied out at any time.  And always, always pick up any “packages” left by the dog.   

Also, we recently sent a survey to all owners regarding the asphalt work needed at Farmstead.   This was sent as an information gathering tool only.  Please take a moment to read over and complete the survey and return to my office: cbpmdiane@aol.com, 603-358-0042 (fax), or you can drop it in the door of Unit 47 or 57. You can also complete the survey on line at farmsteadcommons.com, go into the Owners section and click on “Asphalt Survey link.”  Please fill it out, sign and return by April 26, 2022 so the Board can begin gathering the information to be presented to owners to vote on. 

After a recent water damage claim this is an excellent time for a reminder about Owner insurance responsibilities.  All owners should have their own coverage for personal liability, personal belongings, any upgrades to the interior of the unit that the Association has not been notified of AND structure coverage in the amount of at least $10,000 (the amount of the deductible on the Farmstead insurance policy.)  If an insurance claim occurs in your unit, you – as the owner – and your insurance carrier -would be responsible for the first $10,000 of any claim that occurs.  Check with your personal agent to be sure you are adequately insured.  

Happy Spring!!! 


JULY 2022


MARCH 2022