Schuyler Rice Schuyler Rice

MAY 2020

Bears are still out. Please continue keep all birdfeeders in!! We will let you know as soon as it is ok to put them back out. Although the Board and Management are not holding monthly meetings due to social distancing, we are communicating and keeping up to date via (almost daily) emails.

Bears are still out. Please continue keep all birdfeeders in!! We will let you know as soon as it is ok to put them back out.

Although the Board and Management are not holding monthly meetings due to social distancing, we are communicating and keeping up to date via (almost daily) emails. If you have any questions or concerns at this time, please contact my office 358-0040 or email or you contact one of the Board members. Although I am not in my office every day, I am available by phone at all times and check my email regularly.

I’ve had a few emails and calls from residents of Farmstead concerned about other residents not wearing masks. Wearing of masks in public is not mandatory; however it is strongly suggested by NH Health Officials. Please practice social distancing while outside at Farmstead.

As the weather gets warmer, we would like to remind all that the common grounds are for the use of everyone, but please be courteous and considerate when outside. Children should avoid playing in front of neighbor units especially with balls, Frisbees, etc anything that could hit or damage a window, door or car. Bikes, scooters etc should not be ridden in the carports and no one should be playing or hanging out in carports (unless it is your own) at any time.

Although we are still on stay at home recommendations, Farmstead is moving along with 2020 repair and maintenance projects. A new roof will be installed on Units 49-60 and Units 1-12 will be painted this year. Roof work should begin at the end of this month and painting to start at the end of June. The road asphalt work is hold for a few reasons: (1) At this time, we would be unable to have a full ownership meeting to vote on the financing / funding of the work. (2) The banks we are speaking with about loans are inundated with PPP loans for small businesses. The two banks we are working with are very helpful and are gathering the information for us to review. (3) We probably won’t be able to gather the financial information and hold a meeting/vote in a timely enough manner to secure the vendor to have the work done this year. We will be sure to keep all owners posted as we progress and get closer to an informational presentation meeting being held.

The Board and Management however will be working with a vendor to make asphalt repairs throughout the driving and parking areas in 2020. Repairs to buildings will continue as time and funds allow. I am told a hunter carrying a rifle was seen walking behind one of the buildings, if you should see this happening again, please contact Keene Police 357-9815 or NH Fish and Game 352-9669. Here’s hoping everyone continues to stay safe & healthy!

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Schuyler Rice Schuyler Rice


Although we are all cooped up at home, it really IS spring and the bears have woken up. In the past, bears have been seen in the back yard area and even on patios in search of food and can cause damage. Please take in all birdfeeders and other items that could attract bears to your patio or front stoop. We will let you know as soon as it is ok to put them back out.

Although we are all cooped up at home, it really IS spring and the bears have woken up. In the past, bears have been seen in the back yard area and even on patios in search of food and can cause damage. Please take in all birdfeeders and other items that could attract bears to your patio or front stoop. We will let you know as soon as it is ok to put them back out.

In an effort to save some money, (as there is a cost for these to be emptied on a regular basis) the “junk mail” containers located at the mailbox shelter have been removed. Please take your junk mail and papers with you from the area and dispose of them properly. Farmstead has a recycle center area where many of these items can be disposed of.

A reminder to all that parking is allowed in assigned parking and carports only. Visitors are to park in guest spaces. At no time should anyone (owner, tenant, resident, guest or worker) be parking long term in/near the mailbox shelter sidewalk area or along the access road between Units 60 and 61.  This road must open at all times.
The Directors and I were planning the spring walk around the common property in April. This will obviously be delayed, When the walk does occur, we review the work that is needed to grounds and buildings If you see anything you feel needs attention, please contact my office and we can put it on the list to be looked at and addressed when we finally do get to meet.

Farmstead Commons has a website! There is a public section that anyone can view it shows basic information about the community. There is also an OWNER section that is password protected. If you would like the password, please contact my office.
A HUGE thank you to Owner, (and Board member) Schuyler Rice for all of his hard work and creative ideas for implementing and designing the website!!! It looks great – everyone should check it out!

Here’s hoping everyone stays safe & stays healthy!

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Schuyler Rice Schuyler Rice


We’re sorry for the long time between Newsletters. Last month was NOT a good one for our family, we had a death in the immediate family, and we went to Canada for the funeral . Now we’re getting back to normal.

We’re sorry for the long time between Newsletters. Last month was NOT a good one for our family, we had a death in the immediate family, and we went to Canada for the funeral . Now we’re getting back to normal.

A reminder to owners: condo fees increased February 1st to $190 (without carports) and $194 (with carports.) If you didn’t pay the new amount this month, please do so in March

Here’s a breakdown of the per-month fee for 2020 for each unit at Farmstead. Please note these figures are the average of all 82 units – not separated by carport or non-carport fee.

Bldg Maint $14.02;

Condo $0.25;

Grounds $3.97;

Insurance $25.41;

Landscaping $29.78;

Legal $0.25;

Management $18.00;

Trash $9.96;

Utilities $1.50;

Winter $34.00;

Roof Reserve $20.30;

Operating reserve $7.00

Capital reserve $24.90.

Winter’s not over yet so please keep moving your vehicle(s) for the plows when they’re on-site for clean up. This ensures ALL parking spaces will be plowed and treated for ice, so you can walk and drive safely, no matter where you park. During a recent storm we had 6 cars that were asked to move.  CBPM and White’s Groundskeeping (who does our plowing) can’t continue provide this kind of extra time-consuming service Please move your car or you will be charged for the return clean up trip and it’ll be towed at your expense.

For those who are new -there is Safe Parking along the Entrance Road closest to Base Hill Road for you to park while plowing is done.   It’s NOT for permanent parking. Please move your vehicle(s) back when the plows have cleared your parking space. Don’t forget your carport is always a safe place to park.

The asphalt-paving meeting will be in the spring.  You’ll be notified when and where in plenty of time.

If you have a dog,  follow the rules and pick up after him/her to keep the lawns looking good all year. If your dog “goes” on snow-covered grass it’ll eventually melt through and damage the lawn, which will show up in the spring.

Attached to this newsletter are the most recent Rules and Regulations of Farmstead – please look  over and be familiar with them. Please Note: the guidelines for Air Conditioning units are now part of the rules.   

We hope you enjoyed the February holidays. Keep your eyes peeled for spring.  It’ll be here before you know it and won’t we all be happy then?


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Schuyler Rice Schuyler Rice


This is a reminder that the bulletin board at the Mailbox Shelter is a place where all Farmstead residents can post notices, but no one other than management or Directors should be removing anything from the board. We’ve had several incidents of flyers and/or notices being removed and this cannot continue. If for some reason a resident has a concern with an item that has been posted, you should contact CB Property Management and we’ll address the problem.

The Farmstead Annual Meeting is scheduled for January 18th, at 10 am in the Keene Public Library.  Notices will be sent to all owners along with the Budget for the coming year and a Proxy.

This is a reminder that the bulletin board at the Mailbox Shelter is a place where all Farmstead residents can post notices, but no one other than manage-ment or Directors should be removing anything from the board.  We’ve had several incidents of flyers and/or notices being removed and this cannot continue.   If for some reason a resident has a concern with an item that has been posted, you should contact CB Property Management and we’ll address the problem.

We’ve had our first “real” snowstorm and we’ll have many more before Spring. Please move your vehicles for White’s Groundskeeping

snow plows when they’re working on site so our parking lots stay clear and safe. When you move your vehicle you can park it in your carport (if it’s not already occupied.) You can also park temporarily in the “safe parking” area on the Entrance Road but return your vehicle to your usual parking space when White’s plows are done.

And, while we’re on the subject of snow: if snow falls off the carport roofs, please call CBPM. White’s checks the property regularly, but snow can slide off at any time (even just after they leave) and we’d rather have four calls about fallen snow and get it removed than have the piles remain and freeze in place.

We’re still having issues with residents and improper recycling. We sent all-new information in the November newsletter. Please follow

The Recycling Guide-lines (also posted in the Recycling Area). If you can’t recycle properly – it’s better not to recycle at all.

We should all be “dog careful”, even during the Winter. Snow only covers the dog excrement temporarily and it will continue to do damage throughout the cold season. Please clean up after your dog and we’ll be rewarded with a more healthy and attractive lawn in the spring. Please, PLEASE don’t let your dog(s) walk up to other owner’s front steps to relieve themselves on the shrubs nearby.

This is a busy month, so take time to relax. Whatever you’re cele-brating we hope you enjoy it and have a Happy 2020.

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Schuyler Rice Schuyler Rice


Our regular office hours are Monday through Friday 8:30am to 4 pm except holidays. We may not be in the office all that time because of site visits and meetings, etc., but we do have a full-time answering service. It’s a good idea to call first to be sure we’re here. We love to have people some to see us in our offices, but we don’t want you to make a trip here (and up our stairs!), just to find we’re not in. So it’s better to call or e-mail first.

Our regular office hours are Monday through Friday 8:30am to 4 pm except holidays. We may not be in the office all that time because of site visits and meetings, etc., but we do have a full-time answering service. It’s a good idea to call first to be sure we’re here. We love to have people some to see us in our offices, but we don’t want you to make a trip here (and up our stairs!), just to find we’re not in. So it’s better to call or e-mail first.

If we’re not here and you want to drop off a check, you can slide it under the office door or you can “regular” mail it. Please don’t leave it with one of the other businesses in our building They’re all great people and businesses, but they can’t be held responsible for collecting and delivering condo fees to me.

I’m sure you have mixed feelings about it, but it must be said: “winter is on the way.” Please keep a bag or container of ice-melting compound .near the front door to use in emergencies on sidewalks. Move your vehicles for the plows and please don’t let your dog do his/her business on the snow and always clean up after your dog.

The following information should be kept with your Recycling Guidelines:

Recycling at Farmstead is a choice. If you choose to recycle, please do so properly

Only #1 and #2 plastics are accepted for recycling by Keene so check the code on containers and dispose of other plastics in the dumpsters.

Lightweight, bendable cardboard (such as cereal boxes, etc.) can go in the bins with the paper recyclables.

There’s a separate dumpster for corrugated cardboard so break boxes down and lay flat in the dumpster.

Remove items from plastic bags before putting in the bins.

Do not mix paper recyclables with plastic, tin or glass recyclables.

Because so many Farmstead residents recycle, we’ve added another bin for plastics, tin and glass, so the area where you used to leave “items to share” is no longer available. Please leave

only recyclable items in the bins and nothing on the floor of the recycling area.

If you have household items or gently-used clothing that’s no longer needed, there are Thrift Stores in the area that would be happy to accept donations, as

well as a number of “Yellow Bins” around town for clothing donations.

If you don’t want to donate the items, put them in the dumpsters or put a note on the bulletin board with an item description and your contact information and maybe a neighbor will take them from you and put them to good use.

Please remember if you have big items you no longer need (mattresses, large pieces of furniture etc.) you can call our office and for a reasonable fee we’ll pick them up, bring them to the dump and dispose of them for you. Do not leave items on the ground beside the dumpsters.

We’re doing e-mail updates, so please send us yours. Sending notices and newsletters via e-mail

saves paper, time and mailing expenses and we thank you very much for helping us with this.

Now comes my favorite time of year, a time to express gratitude and appreciation to everyone who is dear to you. We hope this Thanksgiving will be a busy, happy time for you, filled with family, friends, food and football!

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Schuyler Rice Schuyler Rice


Folks, please please pay your monthly condo fees in a timely manner by the first day of the month in which they’re due. If your payment is received after the 10th a late fee will be added. We don’t have a huge problem with non-payers, but we plan a pretty tight budget for the Association so we can pay our bills each month. When even one owner doesn’t pay, it can create a problem that eventually reflects on the credit of the Association. If fees remain unpaid, the state of New Hampshire allows the delinquent owner to be denied services normally provided by the Association including (but not limited to) on-site parking.

Folks, please please pay your monthly condo fees in a timely manner by the first day of the month in which they’re due. If your payment is received after the 10th a late fee will be added. We don’t have a huge problem with non-payers, but we plan a pretty tight budget for the Association so we can pay our bills each month. When even one owner doesn’t pay, it can create a problem that eventually reflects on the credit of the Association. If fees remain unpaid, the state of New Hampshire allows the delinquent owner to be denied services normally provided by the Association including (but not limited to) on-site parking.

We’ve mentioned this before, but unfortunately the units at Farmstead aren’t as soundproof as we’d like. Please try to be a good neighbor and keep the noise level from your unit as non-intrusive as possible. Avoid running on stairs (your children, too.) Use potentially noisy appliances such as washers, dryers, vacuum cleaners etc. after 8 in the morning and before 9 at night. Keep the volume on TVs, radios and “music machines” as low as possible. And please be aware of how annoying a dog that barks constantly can be.

Please remember we have a special dumpster for card board and the boxes need to be broken down before they are thrown in the bin(s). Right now there are three large boxes in the regular dumpster that haven’t been broken down and they’re taking up a lot of room.

Dennis is winding down his outside work for the Association, but if you’re planning an inside project for this winter and you need help (such as painting, general handy-man assistance, etc.) Dennis is available. He’s talented, innovative and prides himself on doing your work as efficiently, quietly and cost-effectively as possible. Call us at 358-0040 to make an appointment.

I’m sure you know this, but if you have an “Association issue” please contact CBPM to address it. I will get in touch with the Board if it’s a request.

L & G Propane’s locked-in rate for the 2019/2020 season is $1.399 per gallon.

We don’t mean to rush through fall, but winter is coming and you’re reminded to move vehicles for the snow plows when they’re working on site so our parking lots stay clear and safe. When you move your vehicle you can park it temporarily in the “safe parking” area on the Entrance Road, then return it to the usual spot when the plows leave. You do not have to move when the plows are working in the middle of the night, but you do have to move when they return for the cleanup. It would be great if we could give you a specific time for the return, but each storm is different and comes at different times. However, cleanup is usually done during the day, after a storm ends. When there is a storm residents just have to be alert and keep an eye out for the plows.

“Trick or Treating” in Keene will be 5:30 to 7:30 pm on Halloween. If you want youngsters in costume to visit you, leave your outside light on (which will keep them safer, too!)

Happy Halloween!!

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