APRIL 2019

Welcome: Nicole Reed and tenant Ben Wichland #10, Amber Hogenmiller #9, Robert Kohl #67.

If you haven’t returned your By-law Amendment Ballot, please do so as quickly as possible. The ballots were originally distributed a couple months ago and we also sent out reminders, together with self-addressed envelopes. If you’re still hanging on to your ballot, please vote and return it now! If you have any questions about the amendments you can contact CB Property Management or any member of the Farmstead Board of Directors. It’s very important that all owners vote on these amendments.

And speaking of the Board of Directors, there is an opening available immediately. If you’re interested in this volunteer position, and want to be active in the Farmstead Community, call Diane at 358-0040 or e-mail me at cbpmdiane@aol.com and I can provide information.

We are very grateful to the residents who plant gardens in the common area. But please bear in mind that the grounds crew from White’s Groundskeeping is re-sponsible for edging and mulching the gardens so if you plant a “common” garden, please be sure all plantings are at least six inches from the outside edge. Otherwise they could be damaged or removed when the edging is done.

Bears can still be a problem, so please don’t leave any kind of food (including pet food) outside, keep your bird feeders inside for a couple more weeks and be sure to slide the doors shut on the dumpsters so bears won’t be tempted.

Please remember to clean up after your dog, don’t leave anything but your vehicle, baby strollers or bicycles in the carport and follow the Recycling Rules as closely as possible. Recently, some-one left 3 paint cans in the recycling area; no one should do that!

The overgrowth along the perimeter of the property had encroached the lawns to a point where grass growth was limited. This has been cut back to open up the areas, dry them out and extend the lawns. It looks a little scary right now, but we’ve already noticed some drying and new grass growth and it will keep on improving.

We recently did a walk around the property and were pleased to see that Farmstead looks great. Residents are abiding by the rules and regulations and we are so proud of you!

April has been rainy, as expected, but May is on the way, followed by what we hope is a summer full of warm days, sunshine and fun for all of you.


MAY 2019


MARCH 2019