MARCH 2019

All Farmstead unit owners should have received a ballot to vote on the proposed amendments to the Bylaws. Every owner who attended the Annual meeting on January 26th received a copy of the proposed amendments and a copy was hand-delivered or mailed to those who couldn’t be there. However, if you don’t have a ballot, call our office and we’ll deliver one to you. No matter how you vote, it’s important you do vote and return the ballot.

There are four proposed amendments so the Bylaws will meet the current and future needs of the Association. If you have any questions about the amendments prior to voting, you can contact me, (358-0040) or one of the Directors: Susan Rondeau, Unit 57, or Judy StGelais, Unit 47 You can return your completed ballot to CB Property Management. via regular mail, e-mail or you can drop it off at our office. You can also leave it with one of the Directors in units 29, 47, 57, 64 or 75, but please, please return it as soon as possible.

It really may be spring soon- which means that bears are waking up from hibernation…. Over the years, Farmstead has had a few bear sightings in the spring. Farmstead residents even had bears showing up on patios! Please remove all birdfeeders or other items from your patio and front area that could attract the bears to the buildings. We will let you know when you can put them back up.

There is still a little time left to hire Dennis for inside projects – this is the best month to paint a room, hang that shelf, fix that leak, or any other odd job you may want to use him for. As soon as warm weather hits, he is booked solid with outside repairs and it can become difficult to schedule him for personal work. You can set up an estimate/job by calling my office or emailing me.

Although winter is ALMOST over, we remind residents to call CB Property Management when the snow slides off the carport roofs. White’s Groundskeeping checks the carports/lots regularly when melt is occurring; they will clean up and salt the areas. However, they could be on site and the snow could fall off right after they leave, if the temperatures drop enough before they return to check again - the fallen snow becomes a large ice lump! Added to the frost heaving of the asphalt areas in front of the carport spaces, the fallen roof snow situation can be an issue. We’d prefer three phone calls that the snow has fallen than one call that there is a lump of frozen snow at the perimeter of the carport entrances.

There will be lots happening at Farmstead this Spring, Summer and Fall… We will paint a building, we will begin the asphalt replacement in the parking lot, the decks will be water-sealed, the over growth along the perimeter of the grounds will be cut back a few feet to open the back area and the L & G Propane tank area will be landscaped. The Board and I will walk the grounds in April, adding any repairs or landscape needs and the like to the “to do” list. And, as always siding repairs will continue as time and funds allow from spring until fall.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all!


APRIL 2019
