All Farmstead unit owners should have received a ballot to vote on the proposed amendments to the Bylaws. Every owner who attended the Annual meeting on January 26th received a copy of the proposed amendments and a copy was hand-delivered or mailed to those who couldn’t be there. However, if you don’t have a ballot, call our office and we’ll deliver one to you. No matter how you vote, it’s important you do vote and return the ballot.

There are four proposed amendments so the Bylaws will meet the current and future needs of the Association. If you have any questions about the amendments prior to voting, you can contact me, cbpmdiane@aol.com (358-0040) or one of the Directors: Susan Rondeau, Unit 57, suerondeau2@g-mail.com or Judy StGelais, Unit 47 judystg16@g-mail.com. You can return your completed ballot to CB Property Management. via regular mail, e-mail or you can drop it off at our office. You can also leave it with one of the Directors in units 29, 47, 57, 64 or 75, but please, please return it as soon as possible.

We understand that Amerigas (formerly Keene Gas) has issued several refund checks to prior customers. We’re not sure of the specifics, but if you received a refund check and have questions about it, you can call Amerigas directly at 352-4134.

This is just a reminder to all Farmstead owners: the monthly maintenance fees increased $2.00 effective February 1st. If you didn’t include the additional amount with your February payment, please send it with your full corrected payment for March. Thank you!!!!

Please move for the snowplows when they’re working on-site for clean-up after a storm. Also, if you see the snow come off the carport roof give us a call to report it. White’s checks the carport roofs regularly, but a half- hour after they check, the snow could fall off. We’d rather have several calls telling us the snow has come off the carports than have it sit there and become a frozen icy lump that turns out to be an inconvenience for everyone.

At the annual meeting it was requested the Board members contact info be posted: Susan Rondeau- and Judy St Gelais emails are listed earlier in this newsletter. Alison Green - alisongreen1@live.com, Lynda Sillner -lsillner@hotmail.com, and Janice Zani janicezani@gmail.com, are the remaining members. Please remember if you have a Farmstead issue you should contact CB Property Management first

It was also suggested at the annual meeting a “Base Hill Road resurface petition group” be formed. As this wouldn’t be a Director “duty” a volunteer is needed to form and run this group. If you are interested, put a note on the bulletin board asking owners to contact you and start the process to fix the road!!

February is almost over. We hope you had a Happy Valentine’s Day! Next comes Muddy March and after that spring will be sneaking in!


MARCH 2019
