Lynda Sillner Lynda Sillner

APRIL 2021

Don’t forget Farmstead has a website –there is a LOT of information about the Farmstead community and happenings on the page - log onto Farmstead – if you need the Owners only password, please call the office at 358-0040. 

As a reminder – the condo fees increased $20 per month ($210/$214) effective February 1, 2021.  If you sent the old amount, it is ok to add the increase to your upcoming payment.  Also, in these trying financial times, if you are having a problem paying your fees each month, please contact my office (358-0040 – to talk about your options.   We will work with you but can only do so if you respond to the statements and letters we send each month.   

It is that time of year – Bears are waking up – Please be sure to take in all birdfeeders and any items on your front stoop or rear patio/deck that could attract hungry bears.  We will let you know when birdfeeders can be put back up.  

The Board of Directors meets each month.  They meet the third Thursday at 8:30 am. Currently they are meeting via Google meet.  When weather allows, they meet outside on site at Farmstead.  If anyone wants to attend the meetings they need to contact CB Property Management (358-0040 or email at least three (3) days prior to the meeting so that an invite can be forwarded to them.  This also allows us to contact any owner wanting to attend a meeting should the meeting be postponed for any reason.  

The Board and Management are set to walk the grounds in April.  This walk is to update the “TO DO” list for outside repairs and work to be done in 2021.  If you have any item outside your unit (siding repairs, landscape, etc) that you feel need attention, please let my office know so we can take a look and add it to the list to be included when the items are prioritized. 

In 2021 Farmstead will be continue doing siding repairs as time and funds allow.  Gutters have been installed on Building 1 already this year.   Two front stoops and one rear patio are set for replacement.  Units 37-48 will have the vinyl siding pressure washed.  All front doors that have not been painted as part of the building painting schedule will be painted this year as well.    

And new in 2021 dryer vent cleaning is part of the operating budget.   41 dryer vents will be cleaned professionally by Durling Cleaning.  The remaining 41 will be cleaned in 2022.  Units 1 – 41 will be done this year.   The dryer vent cleaning is scheduled for April 26th (and 27th if necessary).  This cleaning does not require access to your home.  However, if Durling runs in to any sort of issue with your vent, you will be contacted so they can gain access at a future date.   

Thinking of selling your condo? Courtney is now a licensed Real Estate Agent with Greenwald Realty. She is familiar with the local condos of course but can also help you find a buyer or your next home!  You can email her at 

Please remember to clean up after your dog.  We have had several issues with dog “piles” being left on common areas as well as piles not cleaned behind patios.  Please take the time to clean up after your dog, it’s a rule of the Association, can be subject to a fine AND it is the right thing to do!! 

Also this year as part of the new grounds maintenance contract, the carport will be cleaned once a year.  All will be notified of the date well in advance.  You will be required to move your car out of the carport while the work is being done.    

Well we have almost made it through another New England winter –  

Think Spring!!! 

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Lynda Sillner Lynda Sillner


Don’t forget Farmstead has a website –there is a LOT of information about the Farmstead community and happenings on the page - log onto Farmstead – if you need the Owners only password, please call the office at 358-0040. 

Thank you to everyone who attended the annual meeting on January 23.  Each Owner should have received a copy of the meeting minutes.  If for some reason you did not, please contact my office and I will get you a copy.  As a reminder – the condo fees increased $20 per month ($204/$214) effective February 1, 2021.  If you sent the old amount, it is ok to add the $20 to your March payment.   

The Board of Directors meets each month.  They meet the third Thursday at 8:30 am. Currently they are meeting via Google meet.  When weather allows, they meet outside on site at Farmstead.  If anyone wants to attend the meetings they need to contact CB Property Management (358-0040 or email at least three (3) days prior to the meeting so that an invite can be forwarded to them.  This also allows us to contact any owner wanting to attend a meeting should the meeting be postponed for any reason.  

 Winter is here!!!   Please move your vehicles for the plows when they’re working on site so our parking lots stay clear and safe. During a storm they will continuously keep the driving areas open and sidewalks cleared. When the storm ends they will return for clean up – THIS is when you need to move your cars so all parking spaces can be cleared and treated completely.  Please remember that when you don’t move (1) you could be towed without any advanced notice – we don’t like to do that but have done it before and will do it again (2) even though you think it only affects your space when you don’t move, it affects the spaces on either side of your parking space as well.  When not able to be cleared snow can freeze and become a lumpy uneven safety concern for all the neighboring spaces when a car isn’t moved. (3)  If you move your car later and the plows have to make a special trip to clear your area, you can be invoiced for the cost of the additional clean up return trip. 

When you move your vehicle you can park it in your carport (if it’s not already occupied.) You can also park temporarily in the “safe parking” area on the Entrance Road closest to Base Hill Road but return your vehicle to your usual parking space when White’s plows are done. 

And, while we’re on the subject of snow: if snow falls off the carport roofs, please call CBPM. White’s checks the property regularly, but snow can slide off at any time (even just after they leave) and we’d rather have four calls about fallen snow and get it removed than have the piles remain and freeze in place. 

The Rules and Regulations of Farmstead Commons were updated effective July 2019.    Every Owner was sent a copy at that time.  If you need another copy you can go to the Farmstead website (, on the banner of the homepage, just click on Rules and Regulations to review, download or print.  On this same page is a link to the Recycling guidelines.  A password is not needed to access this information. If you do not have internet/computer access you can contact CB Property and we can send you a copy. 

We hope you enjoy the February holidays. Keep your eyes peeled for spring.  It’ll be here before you know it and won’t we all be happy then? 

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Lynda Sillner Lynda Sillner


Don’t forget Farmstead has a website –there is a LOT of information about the Farmstead community and happenings on the page - log onto Farmstead – if you need the Owners only password, please call the office at 358-0040. 

The Board of Directors and Management meet each month to discuss Farmstead happenings, planning, issues or requests. If you are interested in what is discussed, the minutes are posted on the website each month.   The Directors meet via Google Meet now so if you are interested in attending a meeting, you need to let my office know so you can be sent an invite.  The Board usually meets the 3rd week of each month, so letting us know in advance that you want to attend would be very helpful. 

The grounds maintenance for Farmstead was recently sent to bid. Bids were received and reviewed.  The Board voted to remain with White’s Groundskeeping for another 3 years.   We are happy to add that the new contract includes limbing of low hanging or dead branches (along walkways, near buildings etc) and the cleaning out of leaves and debris from the carport once per year!   In the spring all will be asked to have their cars out of the carports on a set day so this task can be completed – please be sure you comply so the work can be done in one day! 

Every year we remind residents that they should keep a bag of ice melt near the door for the times between treatments or when melt/freeze happens. This year, along with buckets in the carport, White’s Groundskeeping will be placing 5 gallon buckets of salt on each front stoop (two units share a bucket) to be used for sidewalk treatment by residents if necessary.  (You will need to provide your own scoop.)  Throughout the season if your bucket needs to be filled, just contact our office and we will have it taken care of! 

We are unsure how the annual meeting will be handled this year- delayed, in person or virtual.  To keep owners informed, soon all will be receiving a 2020 Farmstead update.   This report will reflect what was done in 2020, what wasn’t done in 2020 and what the plans are for 2021.  Basically this will review in a written document  all the pertinent information that would be conveyed at an annual meeting. 

It does seem that a January in person owners meeting will not be an option.  However, the Board is considering a virtual meeting of all owners via Google Meet or Zoom.  Please let us know what you think or if you have any suggestions on how to meet safely.   

Unless there is another State of New Hampshire “stay at home order”, some other form of increased interaction restriction or if we feel that it becomes unsafe;  Dennis should be available to assist with inside work in your home this winter.  If we decide to suspend his inside work, we will let everyone know. 

Winter is coming!!!   Please move your vehicles for the plows when they’re working on site so our parking lots stay clear and safe. During a storm they will continuously keep the driving areas open and sidewalks cleared. When the storm ends they will return for clean up – THIS is when you need to move your cars so all parking spaces can be cleared and treated completely.  Please remember that when you don’t move (1) you could be towed without any advanced notice – we don’t like to do that but have done it before and will do it again (2) even though you think it only affects your space when you don’t move, it affects the spaces on either side of your parking space as well.  When not able to be cleared or treated snow can freeze and become a lumpy uneven safety concern for all the neighboring spaces when a car isn’t moved. (3)  If you move your car later and the plows have to make a special trip to clear your area, you can be invoiced for the cost of the additional clean up return trip. 

When you move your vehicle you can park it in your carport (if it’s not already occupied.) You can also park temporarily in the “safe parking” area on the Entrance Road but return your vehicle to your usual parking space when White’s plows are done. 

And, while we’re on the subject of snow: if snow falls off the carport roofs, please call CBPM. White’s checks the property regularly, but snow can slide off at any time (even just after they leave) and we’d rather have four calls about fallen snow and get it removed than have the piles remain and freeze in place. 

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Lynda Sillner Lynda Sillner


Don’t forget Farmstead has a website –there is a LOT of information about the Farmstead community and happenings on the page -  log onto Farmstead – if you need the Owners only password, please call the office at 358-0040. 

Although it is August, the “neighborhood” bear is still being spotted at Farmstead. Please be sure your birdfeeders are removed and that no food or other enticing items are left on your front stoop or patio.  

As most of you are aware, a recent storm caused some tree damage throughout the property.  Several trees broke or fell onto common property and into the parking lot.  A large tree fell on Building 1 causing damage to two units.  This is being processed as an insurance claim and makes for an excellent reminder about Owner insurance responsibilities.  If an insurance claim occurs – all owners should have their own coverage for personal liability, personal belongings, any upgrades to the interior of the unit that the Association has not been notified of AND structure coverage in the amount of at least $10,000 (the amount of the deductible on the Farmstead insurance policy.)  When a claim occurs in your unit, you – as the owner – and your insurance carrier -would be responsible for the first $10,000 of any claim that occurs.  Check with your personal agent to be sure you are adequately insured.  

The tree damage to Building 1 has put a temporary hold on the painting of the building.  The work was about 80% complete – but is now stopped until all exterior siding, fascia and roofing repairs are made. 

The new roof was installed over Units 49-60 – Guyer & Sons Roofing did a great job –they were FAST and efficient!!   

Vermont Roadworks came and did some much needed asphalt repairs throughout the property - they filled all the potholes and made repairs – this work should hold until the final parking/driving area asphalt work is determined next year. 

L&G has locked in the rate for Propane for the 2020-2021 season. The price will remain at $1.39 for Farmstead customers. 

Please squish your trash to dispose of it and recycle correctly.  If you need a copy of the Recycling Guidelines, call us and we’ll be sure you get one ASAP. Have a large item you want removed? Call CBPM, we’ll arrange proper disposal and invoice you for the cost.  

The Farmstead Board of Directors has recently formed a Landscaping Committee to address the abandoned flower gardens around the property.  We have many beautiful flowers beds maintained by volunteers that contribute to the overall beauty of the Farmstead Commons grounds; however, the “orphaned” gardens need some attention.  We need to create a plan to either keep and maintain orphaned flower beds or have the beds turned back to grass. There are currently two Board volunteers on the committee; so, we are looking for some non-board homeowners to join us in an advisory role to help create the plan.  Volunteering will not take a lot of time.  Basically we need to:

  • Walk around the property together

  • Meet a couple times to brainstorm 

  • Create a plan to submit to the Board for approval  

If anyone is interested, please reach out to Board members Judy St. Gelais at (603) 499-8534 or Lynda Sillner (603) 209-3119 as soon as possible (leave a message if no answer). There is a short time frame within which to complete the plan. 

Thank You! 

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Lynda Sillner Lynda Sillner

Landscaping Committee

Farmstead Commons Homeowners 

We need your help! The Farmstead Commons Board of Directors has recently formed a Landscaping Committee to address the abandoned flower gardens around the property. We have many beautiful flower beds maintained by volunteers that contribute to the overall beauty of the Farmstead Commons grounds; however, the “orphaned” gardens need some attention. We need to create a plan to either keep and maintain the orphaned flower beds or have the beds turned back into grass (🙁). There are currently two Board volunteers on the committee; so, we are looking for some non-board homeowners to join us in an advisory role to help create the plan. Volunteering will not take a lot of time. Basically, we need to: 

  • Walk around the property together 

  • Meet a couple of times to brainstorm 

  • Create a plan to submit to the Board for approval 

If anyone is interested, please reach out to Board members Judy St. Gelais at (603)499-8534 or Lynda Sillner at (603)209-3119 as soon as possible (leave a message if we don’t answer). We have a short time frame within which we need to complete our plan. 

Thank you! 

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Schuyler Rice Schuyler Rice

JUNE / JULY 2020

I will be on vacation from Friday, July 17th to Monday, July 27th. The office will be up and running with both Courtney and Dennis available. Court has been here for more than nine years so she can usually handle anything. However, if you have an unusual problem that doesn’t need immediate attention, it might be easier to wait until I return.

I will be on vacation from Friday, July 17th to Monday, July 27th. The office will be up and running with both Courtney and Dennis available. Court has been here for more than nine years so she can usually handle anything. However, if you have an unusual problem that doesn’t need immediate attention, it might be easier to wait until I return.

The outside spigots are not for common use. They belong to the unit they’re near and those residents pay for the water used.

A reminder to all when recycling cardboard, please be sure to flatten the boxes and make sure it fits into the dumpster. If the container is full, please hold on to the cardboard until after the dumpster has been emptied – do not leave boxes or cardboard on the ground.

Even with the “pause” in work being done this spring Farmstead is getting quite a bit done – Units 49-60 have a new roof, Units 1-12 will be painted. Although the parking/driving areas will not have the “big” project done this year – the large holes and such will be filled shortly and those should hold until next year when the final asphalt plan can be determined.

It doesn’t happen often - but we do get emergency calls from owners locked out of their homes. CBPM doesn’t have a master key, so unless you have specifically given us a key to your home, we don’t have access. Good ideas for addressing this problem include giving a spare key to a trusted neighbor or keeping a hide-a-key in a safe spot such as your car, etc.

Now that the cooling season is upon us a number of residents have been asking about air conditioning units for their homes. The Farmstead Board of Directors approved four types of air conditioners: in-wall, portable, Mitsubishi and central a/c. The directors require the portable units to be vented using ¼ inch Plexiglas or Lexan to fill the open window gap with the hole cut for the hose near the bottom. Cheshire Glass charges approximately $100.00 for Plexiglas and Granite State Glass charges about $150.00 for Lexan. Carbone’s also offers a Plexiglas unit. The portable a/c unit with clear Plexiglas or similar material for venting of the unit is the only type that can be used in the front of the buildings. Owners wanting to install central air, a Mitsubishi or similar type unit, or a new wall unit will need to submit a request in writing to Management and obtain advance approval from the Board

At the recent Board of Directors meeting they voted to not hold a community Yard Sale this year. The decision was based on social distancing guidelines AND lack of interest and participation by residents in the past few years. Next spring, the topic will be revisited and we will send out a survey asking all who are interested and want to participate in a yard sale – if there is enough interest to start again we will.

Don’t forget Farmstead has a website – log on to Farmstead – if you need the Owners only password, please call the office at 358-0040.

If you've lived at Farmstead for a while, chances are you've already provided us with your e-mail address so we can send you these newsletters and other important communications. However, if you're new here or you haven't already done it for some reason, please make sure we have it now. We'll only send you things regarding Farmstead. It's a more efficient way to get out information you need to know. It saves costs on printing, paper and delivery and you can also save a tree at the same time.

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