Lynda Sillner Lynda Sillner


The Annual Meeting of the Farmstead Commons Association is scheduled for Saturday January 22 at 10:30 a.m. at the Monadnock Covenant Church, 90 Base Hill Road in Keene.  Masks are required to attend the meeting.  If you are unable to attend the meeting, please be sure to return your proxy so that the meeting will have a quorum.  You can drop it at Director Judy StGelais Unit 47 or email or fax to CB Property Management 603-358-0042,   

Notice of the Annual Meeting, the Agenda, the 2022 budget, a copy of the 2020 meeting minutes and a proxy were sent/delivered to all Owners.  If you need another copy, please let me know. 

The striping and numbering of the parking spaces was not able to be done in 2021 so we ask that all residents park in their assigned spaces and leave visitor spaces for guests.  If you have any question on where your assigned/numbered space is located, please contact CB Property Management. 

Please also remember that each unit is permitted two vehicles.  One car should be parked in assigned space and one in carport.  If you do not have a carport, one car in assigned space and one along entrance road in overflow parking.  Only resident vehicles should be parked on site.  The overflow parking should never be used for storage of any vehicle.   

It has been some cold weather and a bit more ice/rain than we like!  If your bucket outside the front door needs more ice melt, please contact CB Property Management 603-358-0040 and we’ll get that taken care of for you. 

And, while we’re on the subject of snow: if snow falls off the carport roofs, please call CBPM. White’s checks the property regularly, but snow can slide off at any time (even just after they leave) and we’d rather have four calls about fallen snow and get it removed than have the piles remain and freeze in place. 

A friendly reminder after the holiday season (and all through the year) cardboard must be broken down before it is placed in the cardboard dumpster. And please do not dispose of cardboard in the trash dumpster or put any intact boxes in the container. 

Don’t forget Farmstead has a website –there is a LOT of information about the Farmstead community and happenings on the page - log onto Farmstead – if you need the Owners only password, please call the office. 

When you walk your dog always have it on a leash and stay away from the lawns and landscaped area. Please pick up after him/her even if there’s snow on the ground.  Otherwise when the snow melts, so does the excrement and it eventually ends up on the lawn, where it can damage the newly-emerging grass.  Let’s do everything we can to assure attractive, healthy lawns next spring and summer. Picking up after your dog NOW is one way to work towards that goal. 

Arbor Climb Tree will be on site at some point over this winter to remove several trees that are dying or considered a safety concern.  This work was contracted to be done in winter (by doing this Farmstead gets a bit of a price break!) In the spring, Arbor Climb will return to plant replacement shrubs and trees in some of the empty areas.   

It’s cold out there and chances are your windows and doors are shut tight,  

but please be careful about noise that could disturb your neighbors.  Loud voices (both inside and out) and TVs, stereos, etc. that are turned up can be a problem for others, so keep it down as much as possible.  The rules reflect a “quiet time” from 9 pm to 8 am. 

It has been (so far) a pretty light season for snowfall amounts...  Please note:  the end spaces in the parking areas can disappear during a storm and have since Farmstead was built. We’re told that for many years the piles weren’t moved, but stayed until Spring.  White’s does their best to push snow back as far as possible but there’s only so much room. They remove snow banks as quickly as possible (and will continue to do so with approval) but this is extra work which is done at an additional charge to the Association. The clearing of the piles is not done until the days following the storm after plowing and clean up.  We appreciate your patience and understanding when this happens. 

We hope your New Year is going well and that you never even noticed January 6, which we’re told is the most “depressing” day of the year. That’s when year-end festivities are over, holiday bills start coming in and just about everyone has broken their New Year’s Resolutions.  May your holiday bills be small and your New Year’s resolutions be working so well, they’ve become good habits!! 

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Lynda Sillner Lynda Sillner


We have recently had TWO separate water damages occur in the utility closets at Farmstead.  Several years ago the Association provided each unit with 2 water detectors which emit a LOUD alarm when water touches them.  The intent was that one is placed by the washer/dryer and the second in the utility room.  Over the years, these alarms have prevented serious water damages inside units many times over.   Please check your unit and see if you have the alarm and test to be sure it works.  If there is no alarm, we suggest you purchase one.  Farmstead has a $10,000 insurance deductible on any claim that is made - which means the unit owner is responsible for the first $10,000 in damages.  Having the water alarm sound the moment water touches it could be the difference between costly repairs and just the need for minimal drying.   

Although it hasn’t snowed yet, winter is coming….    Please move your vehicles for the plows when they’re working on site so our parking lots stay clear and safe. During a storm they will continuously keep the driving areas open and sidewalks cleared. When the storm ends they will return for clean up – THIS is when you need to move your cars so all parking spaces can be cleared and treated completely.  Please remember that when you don’t move (1) you could be towed without any advanced notice – we don’t like to do that but have done it before and will do it again (2) even though you think it only affects your space when you don’t move, it affects the spaces on either side of your parking space as well.  When not able to be cleared or treated snow can freeze and become a lumpy uneven safety concern for all the neighboring spaces. (3)  If you move your car later and the plows have to make a special trip to clear your area, you can be invoiced for the cost of the additional clean up return trip. 

This would normally be the time of year that we promote Dennis from CB Property Management services for painting, handyman work and the like…..  However, that is not happening– Dennis has decided to retire at the end of the year!  (Congratulations to him - lucky guy!!!)  Although it is a somewhat expected turn of events, it is still a tough concept to accept and process. With this change, we at CB Property Management will be reevaluating our management company offerings.  (Originally maintenance wasn’t a service the company provided at all– we would only point owners in the direction of qualified vendors.) Over the next couple months, we do have some information to process, numbers to crunch and decisions to make.  Be assured regular Association needs will continue to be addressed no matter our decision.  If we hire a full time employee, part time employee or subcontract the needed work.  On that note, if anyone is aware of a person or company looking for general handyman work – please let me know.  I’d love to talk to them about options for maintenance work. 

Along with buckets in the carport, White’s Groundskeeping will again be placing 5 gallon buckets of salt on each front stoop (two units share a bucket) to be used for sidewalk treatment by residents if necessary between treating by White’s.    Throughout the season if your bucket needs to be filled, just contact our office and we will have it taken care of!    We had a couple comments last year the buckets were “ugly” home depot orange.  Although we understand the concern, the de-icing and safety on the front stoops/sidewalk area of each unit should take precedence over aesthetics during the winter months.   

When you move your vehicle for the plows you can park it in your carport (if it’s not already occupied.) You can also park temporarily in the “safe parking” area on the Entrance Road but return your vehicle to your usual parking space when White’s plows are done. 

The Annual meeting will be coming up in January.  This year is planned as an in person meeting to be held at the Monadnock Covenant Church on Base Hill Road. A very convenient location to Farmstead and lots of parking!! Notice of meeting, agenda, proxy etc will be sent prior to the meeting.  If any Farmstead owner is a member of the Church and is planning on attending, please contact my office.   

The Board of Directors and Management meet each month to discuss Farmstead happenings, planning, issues or requests. If you are interested in what is discussed, the minutes are posted on the website each month.   We meet via Zoom now so if you are interested in attending a meeting, you need to let my office know so you can be sent an invite.  We usually meet the 3rd week of each month, so letting us know in advance that you want to attend would be very helpful. 

This is a good time to say how much we enjoy working with the Directors of Farmstead and with all of you.  We appreciate your suggestions, ideas and kind words throughout the year!!!!   

May all of you have a happy and calm holiday season and remain safe and healthy now and into 2022!! 

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Lynda Sillner Lynda Sillner


I will be on vacation November 1 and returning on November 10th with limited access to email while I am away.  Both Dennis and Courtney can handle the day to day needs as well as emergency situations for Farmstead.  If you have something unique you want to discuss with Management, please wait until I return to contact the office.  Thanks!!  

Don’t forget Farmstead has a website full of community information including Director meeting minutes.  Log on to – If you need the Owners only password, please call the office at 358-0040. 

Please squish your trash to dispose of it and recycle correctly.  Recycle items cannot be bagged and left in the recycle area.  Please make sure all recyclables are co-mingled and free in the appropriate receptacles, not bagged and dumped.  If you need a copy of the Recycling Guidelines, call us and we’ll be sure you get one. 

Please pay your monthly condo fees in a timely manner by the first day of the month in which they’re due. If your payment is received after the 10th a late fee will be added.  We don’t have a huge problem with non-payers, but we plan a pretty tight budget for the Association so we can pay our bills each month. When even one owner doesn’t pay, it can create a problem that eventually reflects on the entire  Association. If fees remain unpaid, the state of New Hampshire allows the delinquent owner to be denied services normally provided by the Association including (but not limited to) on-site parking and trash removal.  If you are having issues with making your condo fee payments, please contact my office - we can only work with you if you communicate with us. 

We’ve mentioned this before, but unfortunately the units at Farmstead aren’t as soundproof as we’d like.  Please try to be a good neighbor and keep the noise level from your unit as non-intrusive as possible. Avoid running on stairs (your children, too.) Use potentially noisy appliances such as washers, dryers, vacuum cleaners etc. after 8 in the morning and before 9 at night.  Keep the volume on TVs and radios as low as possible.  And please be aware of how annoying a dog that barks constantly can be.  

 Added to this, please be sure to clean up after your dog every time – this means when you are walking on common property or behind your own unit, the rules are clear, you must clean up after your pet. 

Recently, some residents have had a problem with visitors parking in the numbered spaces and/or other residents using the visitor spaces.  There’s enough parking for everyone at Farmstead, as long as the good neighbor rules are followed.  No unit may have more than two vehicles except with permission of the Directors (through the Property Manager).  Units with carports must park in them when at home.  If there’s a second car, it should be parked in the space designated for that unit.  Homes without carports should park the first vehicle in the designated space and the second vehicle must be parked in the spaces on the Entrance Road closest to Base Hill Road.  Visitors should park in visitor spaces or along the Entrance Road near the mailboxes.   

Please remove all hoses from outside spigots.  The faucets are self-draining and an attached hose fools the faucet into “thinking” it’s drained when it’s not. The result could be frozen pipes which are an expensive problem!  Dennis will be around very soon to remove any hoses that are left attached or lying on the ground. 

L&G Propane has set the rate for Propane for Farmstead residents for the 2021 - 2022 season at $1.629 through March of 2022. 

Be prepared for ghosts, goblins and maybe even a Princess to visit you on Halloween.  If you want to “Treat” leave your front light on and you can have a couple of hours of real fun with the characters who come to call.  Happy Halloween!!!!! 

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Lynda Sillner Lynda Sillner


Just a reminder that all Farmstead owners are invited to join the monthly Board meetings.  Our Board meetings have been moved to the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm via Zoom.  This change will begin with our August 17th meeting.  If you would like to attend, please contact Diane at CB Property Management no later than the Friday prior to the meeting and you will be emailed an invite link.  358-0040 or email

I will be on vacation September 1 and returning on September 9.  Both Dennis and Courtney can handle the day to day needs as well as emergency situations for Farmstead.  If you have something unique or different you want to discuss with Management, please wait until I return to contact the office.  Thanks!!  

We have many residents who volunteer their time, hard work and own money to maintain the several common garden beds throughout the property. And they look lovely!!   We have had a few issues lately with damages to the flowers, one garden was driven over and a few residents allow their dogs to do their “business” in these common gardens.  Please take consideration when near the gardens, admire the beauty of them and appreciate all your neighbors have done to make the gardens as beautiful as they are!   

Units 37-48 were scheduled to be pressure washed in July However, the work was delayed due to weather.  The building has now been washed and looks great!!   Stebbins Painting will be painting the doors and front porch trim on this building.  Dennis will be painting the doors of the other buildings that were not done when the buildings were painted.  All will be notified when this door painting will begin.   

Be on the lookout!  The Board of Directors and CB Property Management will be sending out a brief survey to all owners.  This survey is a preliminary way to gather your thoughts on the priority of various maintenance needs.  (Asphalt redone vs. siding repair, new gutters vs. grounds improvement etc.)  Be sure to complete the survey, add any thoughts you may have on the topics as well, and return the survey to CB Property Management in the included self addressed stamped envelope as soon as possible! 

The Board and CB Property Management recently walked the grounds with Arborist Jonathan Royce from Arbor Climb.   He will be sending some recommendations for tree removal (safety) and replacement plantings.  The Board will review this proposal and begin a “tree plan”. 

We are having some concerns with residents that are parking in visitor spaces on a regular basis for extended amounts of time. Each unit has one parking space with 70 having a carport as well.  Each unit is allowed two (2) cars.  All cars “belonging” to a unit need to park in their assigned space or carport.  Units without a carport, the second car must park along the entrance road in overflow parking – where parking is first come-first served.  Please do not park in a guest space; these spaces need to be available for visitors. 

We still would like the e-mail address of every one at Farmstead so we can send newsletters and notices to you electronically.  We won’t “abuse” the privilege; we promise notices and newsletters will be all you get from us.  Electronic communication is faster, more convenient, less expensive and it saves a tree!  Contact my office at with your current email so we can add you to the Farmstead group email! 

School will open soon and if you drive your children to the bus stop at the intersection of the Farmstead Entrance Road and Base Hill Road, please don’t park on the side of the Entrance Road so you block the line of sight for others leaving the complex.  Park in one of the parking spaces nearby and walk with your child to the bus stop. It’s safer for everyone. 



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Lynda Sillner Lynda Sillner

Patio Power Wash Update

Farmstead Commons Homeowners 
Patio Power Wash Update  

B & B PowerWash Services will be on site on July 12 to power wash Building D. The original plan was to wash patios on July 13 with a rain date of July 16; however, the response was so great that Kyle of B & B will need to use the rain date to finish up the patios. Please take note below of the date that your patio will be washed. For most of us, this is a change of date, so call me if for any reason this poses a problem. 

July 12 

Building D: 47, 48 (along with the building itself)  

July 13 

Building A: 6, 7, 12 

Building B: 16, 18/19 (front stoops), 21  

July 16 

Building C: 29 (not the brick section), 33 

Building E: 57, 60 

Building F: 64, 68 

Building G: 74, 80 

You don’t need to be at home to have your patio washed. You do need to have all items removed from your patio by the date listed for your unit number, and we need payment no later than Monday morning (cash or check to B & B) if you haven’t paid yet. The cost for a single patio is $20 and $40 for patio with extension. I’ve provided everyone with my unit number (#64) and phone number to drop off payment or I can pick it up. Just give me a call if you prefer that I drop by. 

B & B will need to connect to one of the spigots inside each utility shed, as there isn’t a common water source for the patio washing. Please make sure access to an outside spigot is provided or leave your shed unlocked. If you’re willing to share your spigot with your neighbors, the increase to your water bill should be nominal. Our water meters are marked with our unit numbers, but you can also mark your sliders for patio washing, if you wish to. 

Thanks to Kyle at B & B, we’ll have clean patios to enjoy for the rest of the summer! Any questions, call me.

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Lynda Sillner Lynda Sillner

JUNE 2021

Is your patio in need of a good cleaning? Then we’ve got a deal for you! B & B will be on site in July to wash the vinyl-sided building within the community and has offered to stay on site to power wash your patios on July 12 & 13 for only $20 per patio. If you are interested in going into summer with a sparkling clean patio, please let my office know 358-0040 or email along with your preferred method of contact. We will pass that information on to Board member Lynda Sillner and she will coordinate the effort for all of you. At this time, we are looking to get a count of interested parties and will reach out to you later to confirm the date your patio will be washed and to coordinate payment for B & B’s services. 

The outside spigots are not for common use. They belong to the unit they’re near and those residents pay for the water used.  


Don’t forget Farmstead has a website full of community information including Director meeting minutes.  Log on to Farmstead – if you need the Owners only password, please call the office at 358-0040. 


Now that the cooling season is upon us a number of residents have been asking about air conditioning units for their homes.  The Farmstead Board of Directors approved four types of air conditioners: in-wall, portable, Mitsubishi and central a/c.  The directors require the portable units to be vented using ¼ inch Plexiglas or Lexan to fill the open window gap with the hole cut for the hose near the bottom.  Cheshire Glass charges approximately $100.00 for Plexiglas and Granite State Glass charges about $150.00for Lexan.  Carbone’s also offers a Plexiglas unit.  The portable a/c unit with clear Plexiglas or similar material for venting of the unit is the only type that can be used in the front of the buildings. Owners wanting to install central air, a Mitsubishi or similar type unit, or a new wall unit will need to submit a request in writing to Management and obtain advance approval from the Board 


It doesn’t happen often - but we do get emergency calls from owners locked out of their homes. CBPM doesn’t have a master key, so unless you have specifically given us a key to your home, we don’t have access. Good ideas for addressing this problem include giving a spare key to a trusted neighbor or keeping a hide-a-key in a safe spot such as your car, etc.  


 If you've lived at Farmstead for a while, chances are you've already provided us with your e-mail address so we can send you these newsletters and other important communications.  However, if you're new here or you haven't already done it for some reason, please make sure we have it now.  We'll only send you things regarding Farmstead.  It's a more efficient way to get out information you need to know. It saves costs on printing, paper and delivery and you can also  

save a tree at the same time. 


A reminder to all when recycling cardboard please be sure to flatten the boxes and make sure it fits into the dumpster. If the container is full, please hold on to the cardboard until after the dumpster has been emptied – do not leave boxes or cardboard on the ground. Also, please squish your trash to dispose of it and recycle correctly.  If you need a copy of the Recycling Guidelines, call us and we’ll be sure you get one ASAP. Have a large item you want removed? Call CBPM, we’ll arrange proper disposal and invoice you for the cost.  


Many of the common gardens were started by and maintained by former residents of Farmstead, but since those people no longer live here, the gardens they loved just aren’t kept looking good.  If you like to garden, we’d love to have you “adopt” a common garden and bring it back to its original beauty.  Or, you could plant your own choice of flowers and it would be truly yours. Give us a call if you’re interested in doing this and we’ll talk about the space you want and what you want to do with it. 


Please remember not to let your dog walk on common grassed areas and ALWAYS clean up after your dog immediate, no matter where you walk him/her. 


If you have a Farmstead condo you rent or lease to others, always make sure they have copies of the Bylaws, the Rules and Regulations, the Recycling Guidelines and they understand how important it is for everyone to be a good neighbor. If you need additional copies of the Bylaws, Rules and Regulations or Recycling Guidelines (for yourself or for your tenants) just call the office and we’ll see that you get copies immediately. 


School is (or soon will be) out for the summer, so please drive carefully and watch out for those who don't always watch out for themselves. 

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