Lynda Sillner Lynda Sillner

JULY 2022

Thank you to all the volunteers who have been watering the newly planted trees!  The Arborist has confirmed that watering can stop now and the water bags no longer need to be filled.  

A quick reminder to all about parking – Residents should not be parking in guest spaces at any time.  Also, no one should be parking in the access road between units 60 & 61.  The City of Keene is authorized for 24 hour access to the pump shed and therefore this area cannot be used for parking at any time.   Please do not park there and remind your guests or contractors this is not a parking area! 

Speaking of the pump house, all should review the attached notice from the City of Keene Industrial Pretreatment Coordinator Zachary Adams – who also states that the City of Keene Utilities Maintenance staff recently identified a large amount of grease build up during a routine maintenance check at the Farmstead Common Pump Station. A large accumulation of grease build up can potentially cause the pump station to fail leading to blocked sewer lines, resulting in raw sewage backing up into homes, streets and outside areas.  This can be an expensive problem, an environmental hazard and a health hazard for City workers and homeowners.   We ask that residents review and follow the guidelines on the attached notice.  Thanks! 

Summer is in full bloom!  We have some beautiful gardens that residents have planted behind their homes and folks should take a moment to walk around and enjoy the beauty in what their neighbors have done.   

Although we are not hiring a replacement “handyman”, we are starting to work with a handyman/general contractor.  Although he won’t be as immediately available as Dennis, he will be starting outside work for Farmstead Association- repair and “to do” items from the Directors Walk List- in the upcoming days and continue to be available for work as his schedule allows.   Please keep in mind that the outside work he is doing for Farmstead, he is also providing the same services for “my” other condos -as well as his own existing customers.  He determines his work schedule and availability for individuals.   

The Directors have reviewed your responses to the asphalt survey.     We have been gathering information based on the responses.  We have also been working on a presentation for a Special Owner’s Meeting to be held in September to determine what work is to be done and how it is funded.  This will be a very important meeting that will require a vote from the membership – Please attend the meeting if you can – if you cannot attend, please provide a proxy to vote on your behalf (make sure they know how you want to vote).   

The Notice of Meeting, Proxy, Agenda and all pertinent information will follow shortly.   These will be send Certified Mail to non-resident owners and hand delivered (signature required) for resident owners.    Please keep an eye out and plan on attending or sending a proxy. 

If things have gotten a little messy in your carport, remember nothing should be kept in there but your vehicle, bicycles, stroller and one canoe or kayak.  The latter should be securely hung or attached to the carport to avoid injuries if it falls.   Please take a moment to pick up any items in your carport that are not allowed. 

If you've lived at Farmstead for a while, chances are you've already provided us with your e-mail address so we can send you these newsletters and other important communications.  However, if you're new here or you haven't already done it for some reason, please make sure we have it now.  We'll only send you things regarding Farmstead.  It's a more efficient way to get out information you need to know. It saves costs on printing, paper and delivery and you can also save a tree at the same time. 

Speaking of e-mails, we received one recently, asking us to remind everyone to pick up after your dogs.  Apparently some of you are allowing your dogs to “go” in the common area of the complex (which is pretty much everywhere) and it's not only unsightly, but it damages the lawns and is an even worse problem if somebody steps in it.  Carry a plastic bag with you when you walk Rover. If he relieves himself (or herself) you can use the bag to pick up the mess and dispose of it in the trash. It's easy and you'll avoid damage to the landscaping or annoying other residents.   

Happy Summer!! 

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Lynda Sillner Lynda Sillner

APRIL 2022

Bears are awake and Farmstead is a popular place for them to visit looking for food.   They have been known to come right up on to the patios!  We ask all residents continue to not hang any bird feeders and do not leave any food or trash items on the front step or rear patio/decks.  We will let you know when bird feeders can be put out again. 

Arbor Climb Tree service will be back on site the week of May 17 to plant replacement trees and shrubs. This work includes a replacement elm tree by the mailbox area and one elm in another area yet to be determined.  Two tree lilacs to be planted in front of Units 57 & 59, a red maple tree to be planted in front of Unit 36 with 3 holly bushes in the same area and a white birch tree to be planted in front of unit 24.   

Farmstead is looking for volunteers to maintain common garden areas throughout the grounds.  Unfortunately, a couple of our volunteer gardeners are unable to do plantings this year.  If you like to garden, have some free time and would like to help keep the gardens looking great, please let my office know.  603-358-0040 or  

In an effort to have all current unit occupancy information we will be sending out new Questionnaires to all in the upcoming weeks.  Even if you feel as though you just filled one out, please take a moment to complete this important document and return to my office.  Remember it is an Association rule that non-residents owners must let Management know occupancy of a Farmstead unit if it is rented. 

The Board of Directors and I have been working with an Attorney who specializes in NH Condominium law.  He has prepared a revised Declaration and By-Laws for the Farmstead Commons Association that are in line with current New Hampshire Laws and updated for technology (email as a way to communicate and zoom meetings) and modernized overall.  In order for these documents to be approved and filed with the Registry, a majority of owners must vote to approve the amended/updated documents.  The proposed documents will be sent to all owners to review.  We then will schedule an informational meeting held via Zoom where owners can ask any questions they may have (to the Attorney) prior to voting on accepting the revised documents.  This is an important task that needs to be done so please, be on the lookout for the documents and take a moment to read them over and take note of any questions you may have.  You will be able to ask your questions at the meeting or let us know beforehand and we will relay them to the Attorney and get back to you with the reply. 

The Directors will be doing their walk around the grounds and are working on a list of “to do” jobs. Remember these are done on a priority basis as time/funds allow. If you have something that needs attention, repair, etc., contact the CBPM office.  If it’s not on the “to do” list, we’ll check it out and add it if necessary.   

If you have a dog, remember it must be registered with the City by April 30, 2022.  Please have your dog on a leash when you’re walking it. Dogs are not be allowed to roam free at Farmstead and cannot be tied out at any time.  And always, always pick up any “packages” left by the dog.   

Also, we recently sent a survey to all owners regarding the asphalt work needed at Farmstead.   This was sent as an information gathering tool only.  Please take a moment to read over and complete the survey and return to my office:, 603-358-0042 (fax), or you can drop it in the door of Unit 47 or 57. You can also complete the survey on line at, go into the Owners section and click on “Asphalt Survey link.”  Please fill it out, sign and return by April 26, 2022 so the Board can begin gathering the information to be presented to owners to vote on. 

After a recent water damage claim this is an excellent time for a reminder about Owner insurance responsibilities.  All owners should have their own coverage for personal liability, personal belongings, any upgrades to the interior of the unit that the Association has not been notified of AND structure coverage in the amount of at least $10,000 (the amount of the deductible on the Farmstead insurance policy.)  If an insurance claim occurs in your unit, you – as the owner – and your insurance carrier -would be responsible for the first $10,000 of any claim that occurs.  Check with your personal agent to be sure you are adequately insured.  

Happy Spring!!! 

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Lynda Sillner Lynda Sillner

MARCH 2022

The Farmstead Commons annual meeting was held on January 22, 2022.  Prior to the meeting a budget was sent to all owners.  If anyone missed the notice, revised budget and minutes of the meeting that were hand delivered (mailed to non-resident owners) last month please note at the meeting a motion was made to amend the budget to reflect a $2 per month increase in the fees effective March 1, 2022.   Fees at Farmstead are now $212/$216 effective with the March 1 payment.  If you paid the lower amount for March, it is ok to pay the difference and catch up with the April payment. 

It is still a bit early, but bears will be waking up soon and Farmstead is a popular place for them to peruse looking for food.   They have been known to come right up on to the patios!  We ask all residents to take in all bird feeders, do not leave any food or trash items on the front stoop or rear patio.  We will let you know when bird feeders can be put out again. 

Although winter is ALMOST over, we remind residents to call CB Property Management when the snow slides off the carport roofs.   White’s Groundskeeping checks the carports/lots regularly when melt is occurring; they will clean up and salt the areas.    However, they could be on site and the snow could fall off right after they leave, if the temperatures drop enough before they return to check again - the fallen snow becomes a large ice lump!  Added to the frost heaving of the asphalt areas in front of the carport spaces, the fallen roof snow situation can be an issue.  We’d prefer three phone calls that the snow has fallen than one call that there is a lump of frozen snow at the perimeter of the carport entrances.   

We recently had an issue with a clogged kitchen drain pipe at Farmstead that was quite intense.  One  suggestion to assist with keeping the drains flowing:  never put grease down the kitchen drain and a drain company that worked on the line suggests hot water, baking soda and vinegar be poured down the kitchen drain every other month to help keep the lines clean.  Drano can be harmful to the cast iron pipes so that is not recommended as a preventative option.   

Here’s a breakdown of the per-month fee for 2022 for each unit at Farmstead.  Please note these figures are the average of all 82 units – not separated by carport or non-carport fee.     Bldg Maint $14.75 Condo $0.35; Grounds $3.60; Insurance $25.95; Landscaping $29.85; Legal $5.08; Management $18.00; Trash $11.87; Utilities $1.32; Winter $35.27; Roof Reserve $24.39 Operating reserve $6.98 and Capital reserve $19.91; Asphalt Reserve $17.03 

The Board of Directors and Management will be walking the grounds this spring to add repair items to the list of work to be done this year.  If you see an exterior repair or grounds maintenance issue you would like us to take a look at – please contact CB Property Management by phone 603-358-0040 or email 

Don’t forget to set your clocks forward on March 13 when daylight savings time begins.  This is also a good time to change the batteries in your smoke alarms to keep them working properly.  

Please don’t park in anyone else’s carport (without their permission) or in another’s assigned parking space.  I know sometimes during snowy weather it’s hard to figure out exactly where your assigned spot is, so pick a shrub, bush (or Unit number) as a reminder so you get it right and don’t inconvenience others.   And I know we keep repeating this, but it continues to be a concern - residents should never park in guest spaces. 

Please everybody (and this is important) update your phone number with the office if it has changed in the recent past.  Many people are using cell phones instead of land-lines and the numbers we have on file for you are no longer in service.  We also encourage the use of email as the main communication for notices, newsletters etc – send your email along as well.  In an effort to have all current information, we will be sending new Questionnaires to all residents.  Even if you feel like you just filled one out and sent it over, please take a moment to complete and return this important document to my office.   

This is YOUR newsletter, so feel free to use it if you have anything you want your neighbors to know: birth, death, marriage, graduation; or if you have something to buy, sell or swap, to rent or a service to offer, let us know and we’ll include your information at no charge.   You can also send along this information and it can be posted to the Farmstead Commons Owners section on the Association website. 

In the upcoming months the By-Laws of the Association will be reviewed by an Attorney to make any amendments or revisions to ensure the Documents are in line with NH Condominium Law.  These amendments to the documents will require participation from ALL owners so please be on the lookout for notices (from this office) pertaining to the information gathering, informational meeting dates and the final vote on the  updating of these documents and please respond promptly when requested. 

Please remember when ordering on line or take out delivery etc. be sure to state your FULL address – 238 Base Hill Road Unit #___.  We have had a few deliveries sent to random units. 

So…..are you sick of winter yet? Before you know it we’ll have rain that doesn’t freeze when it hits the ground, birds singing in the morning, crocus and daffodils coming through the ground!! 

Keep your fingers crossed and 



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